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With Master Degrees in Health and Exercise Science from Furman University, Tommy John brings over 24 years of experience to the profession of performance and healing. At the completion of his "studies," Tommy played professional baseball for three years with teams such as the Schaumburg Flyers, Tyler Roughnecks and the LA Dodgers. After his career was abruptly ended from a rare infection stimulated by the dye from an MRI in his throwing shoulder, Tommy developed his own baseball performance company providing over 11,000 baseball training sessions for baseball enthusiasts from ages six to thirty. Additionally, he expanded his research, evolutions and practice of personal training, sports performance training and rehabilitation of all types of soft tissue injuries. It was his extensive experience in youth and professional sports performance and rehabilitation and his innovative ideas and solutions for the sports injury epidemics occurring across all sports that landed him a publishing deal with Hachette Publishing when in 2018 he authored:
Because Tommy's approach and experience evolves and updates so often, the principles and concepts illustrated in the book from 2018 have changed quite a bit. To keep everyone up to speed on all edits/changes/updates to the solutions in the book, he provided a two part Zoom Intensive Workshop available for weekly rentals in the menu above.
Tommy then spent the next 4 years training and studying to become a Doctor of Chiropractic and the following 7 years in private practice working with individuals healing themselves from strokes to preparing for a professional sport or attempting to avoid a surgery. While he advanced his profession and knowledge about the human body and the concept of healing by researching, experimenting and attempting to "poke holes" in the principles of the chiropractic profession with various forms of continuing education, he finally learned and realized chiropractic contained no sound natural truth in regards to how a human being performs and heals. He observed the chiropractic manufactured and presented story of "healing," treatments and adjustments only got in the way and antagonized physically and mentally the source of healing and the processes carried out by every participant experiencing any level of damage, symptoms or injuries wanting to ultimately understand they're healing. It became quite clear his next move was to throw away his chiropractic tables, drop the "Dr" title and let his license go if he truly wanted to help guide people to a life of understanding healing and all the opportunities our symptoms and injuries can bring each and every one of us.
At this point, Tommy began to question other forms of "alternative" medicine as he researched, experimented and "poked holes" into the specifics all forms promised. Did any of them carry any support to how the body heals? Did any of them other than the immediate relief of symptoms (healing) and the thin, fleeting sensation of outsourcing salvation offer any long term understanding and opportunity for each individual to gain the wisdom from their healing symptoms in response to their individual lives? In his opinion it turns out the answer was no. It's from there he started to gain the experience and insight there were no traditional or alternative forms of medicine that carried any real truth to how the body responds to our unique ways of life. To Tommy, it was clear all degrees, certifications and licenses were all coming from the same flawed starting point. All that remained was the unique life lived, ALL the experiences and reactions that touched the individual where the answers for truly understanding healing were contained for each individual wherever they were at in life and no matter what their injuries or symptoms of healing were.
Tommy started to laser lock in on and intensify his learning within the one resounding statement that all formal medical training denies...the human body only heals. Every response is for us, not against us. If we do ANYTHING to treat, reduce or fix a symptom of any kind, we just got in the way of the processes of healing and made it more difficult for anyone to understand their own body's feelings, healing responses, and the necessary changes and understanding emotionally, intellectually, physically, chemically, mentally and spiritually specifically required for each person to discover. He continues to challenge, sharpen, and enhance that truth in his personal as well as professional approaches to life. 3 degrees and 24 years of experience in, still learning and simplifying or what we can call advancing and evolving his craft as a guide, teacher, and human.
Additionally, as the son of renowned Major League Baseball pitcher Tommy John who played in the Major Leagues for 26 seasons and was the first person to comeback in 1974 from the revolutionary surgery named the Tommy John Surgery, it is not surprising that Tommy developed a passion for Truth in healing and realized even during moments of perceived emergencies or elective surgeries there was a way of life offering massive opportunity, understanding and wisdom as we continue to heal to a level greater than before the crisis or procedure, accessible to all humans. In fact, the entire scale with which true emergencies for any individual and their families is based on can be restructured and reevaluated through this way of life.
Tommy feels it is critical that humanity doesn't let our desperate hatred and disgust for pharmaceuticals and traditional medicine blind us to the idea that all other forms of named and alternative medicines are coming from the same source of injury, illness and disease carrying the same concerns and falsehoods, and as a result the same fear and confusion without resolution or understanding. The only difference being the product sold as the promise. The necessary means to understanding healing will never be in the form of traditional or alternative methods...rather inside each and every single individual's life and all they choose and get to experience from now until their last chosen breath. The meaning of holistic.
Tommy John's primary goal of ALL House Calls, Virtual visits, or Zoom Intensive Workshops is to provide every human who is ready the guidance to create and employ their own integrative, individualized approach to a new life designed by them, changing as often as their bodies change, to improve their understanding of their life by trusting the wisdom and lessons within the physical and emotional symptoms of injuries and labels of any kind at any level during any moment in life. By doing so eliminating the need for constant "tell me what to do" follow ups and the disempowering attachment and obsessive faith we have to bottles of supplements, programs, methods, diets, treatments, adjustments, drugs and all forms of named medicine. Breaking free from this is true health freedom. The only type and level of freedom that can never be taken away.
Tommy John's approach meets people who are in wheel chairs, bed ridden, mothers, farmers, teachers, pro athletes, CEO’s, young, old, and even practitioners leaving their previous form of medical study. There is always something that can and needs to be understood and changed to help the body manage and experience the forces and energy of life: emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, chemically, mentally and physically. We need to be honest and prepare to work to change everything we’ve been previously doing to prepare our bodies for whatever environment we choose to live within as well as the unpredictable moments while the guarantee of healing ALWAYS carries out. Whatever the symptom may be, whatever system they may involve, however the healing expression is sensed, and however long it has been present there is a fabric as unique as the poetic sculpture of your fingerprint and now there is a next step even more creatively intimate.
No matter the damage to the type of tissue within an injury, whatever label/diagnosis (collection of symptoms of healing) you’re looking to understand and use to change, or whatever your current level of performance(confidence) you are sitting at, your body can adapt and heal to a level greater than before this day. It just needs your understanding and active help to change.